Sponsored Legislation

Bill # Bill Description Updated
H.R.7313 Cosponsored  — Supporting Diverse STEM Students Act
H.R.7303 Cosponsored  — To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 129 Walnut Street in Corning, New York, as the "Amory 'Amo' Houghton, Jr. Post Office Building".
H.R.7182 Cosponsored  — Future of Water Act of 2022
H.R.7099 Cosponsored  — Stop Gas Price Gouging Tax and Rebate Act
H.R.7075 Cosponsored  — Ukrainian Independence Park Act of 2022
H.R.7077 Cosponsored  — Empowering the U.S. Fire Administration Act
H.R.7062 Cosponsored  — Honoring Harriet Tubman Act
H.R.7061 Cosponsored  — Big Oil Windfall Profits Tax Act
H.R.7018 Cosponsored  — Green Postal Service Fleet Act of 2022
H.R.7037 Cosponsored  — School Social Workers Improving Student Success Act
H.R.6934 Cosponsored  — Food for Thought Act of 2022
H.R.6877 Cosponsored  — Amir Locke End Deadly No-Knock Warrants Act
H.R.6860 Cosponsored  — Latonya Reeves Freedom Act of 2022
H.R.6823 Cosponsored  — Elizabeth Dole Home and Community Based Services for Veterans and Caregivers Act of 2022
H.R.6825 Cosponsored  — Nonprofit Security Grant Program Improvement Act of 2022
H.R.6836 Cosponsored  — Robert Parris Moses Congressional Gold Medal Act
H.R.6785 Cosponsored  — Right Whale Coexistence Act of 2022
H.R.6759 Cosponsored  — Environmental Justice Air Quality Monitoring Act of 2022
H.R.6654 Cosponsored  — CASC Act
H.R.6699 Cosponsored  — Part-Time Worker Bill of Rights Act
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