May 31, 2022

May Recap Newsletter

Read newsletter as a PDF here.

Dear neighbor, 

We got a lot done in the month of May, and I want to share it with you!

I spent a lot of time in D.C. working on legislation and calling for actions with my colleagues, and I had some amazing experiences in the District with you.

I was joined by Senator Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY)  and Governor of New York Kathy Hochul to announce a $621.5 million loan refinance for  Co-Op City in the Bronx. Schumer and I have been advocating for this loan which will result in $124 million being made available for critical repairs. We returned to Co-op city on May 9 to celebrate $500,000 in federal funding to revitalize currently polluted waterfront land and build a community park. Housing is a human right, and I am happy to have helped ensure funding for the capital improvements as well as the equally important green space and water resilience for the nearly 45,000 residents. 

In the spirit of the greatness that is Co-op City, I also announced my Affordable CO-OP (Collective Opportunities for Owning Property) Act . This bill would unlock more federal funds to develop and convert properties into limited equity cooperatives, similar to Co-op City, and ensure that cooperative residents have access to funds for resilience improvements, community programming, and other support they need to thrive. It would also make housing more affordable and make home ownership more accessible. If we center people in our housing policy, housing justice can finally become a reality for all.

Teacher Appreciation Week was in early May, and as an educator, I truly appreciate teachers! Last month, I attended a round table with students from Harvest Collegiate High School at Sarah Lawrence College; visited PS 68 in the Bronx; visited and learned about the 500-student special education school Dr. Kenneth B. Clark Academy in Dobbs Ferry; went to the Evander Campus in the Bronx with its six public schools; and toured and participated in a panel discussion about student mental health at Scarsdale High School. I also had the honor of being the commencement speaker for the graduate and doctoral graduates at Manhattanville College. Congratulations to all 2022 graduates! 

As we’ve unfortunately seen, gun violence and mass shootings are on the rise.  It deeply saddens, frustrates, and angers me that our communities continue to witness and experience  mass shootings, including the horrific Buffalo shooting  at a local supermarket and the school massacre in Uvalde, Texas. There are more mass shootings annually than days of the year in America. The House has already passed sweeping common sense gun law reforms that would strengthen background checks, prevent individuals under age 21 from purchasing assault rifles, and more.  I am optimistic that the Senate Democrats and a minimum 10 Republicans have come to an initial agreement on a narrow but bipartisan set of policies to strengthen background checks -- our communities are counting on the Senate to advance and pass this legislation. It is nowhere near the comprehensive response to gun violence we need for public safety, but we cannot allow a 30-year logjam on gun violence prevention to go any longer. We are fortunate to have progressive gun control laws in New York that are expanding, and I am fighting in Congress to ensure our federal laws bolster this. 

As part of the 2023 Federal Appropriations process, I requested funding for 15 community projects totalling approximately $26 million last month. I am particularly happy with the District-wide representation of requests, all of which are needed and valuable to our communities. Mental health care; summer and after school learning for K-12 students; wrap-around services for older adults; and community center renovations are just a few of the projects included. 

On an artistic note, we also hosted an art show on May 27 at the Blue Door Art Center in Yonkers for high school artists who won this year’s Congressional Art Competition! Fostering and celebrating creativity in our communities is essential. I love seeing the work from talented students, and it was great to meet many of them and hear about the inspiration for their work. 

The month of May ended with Memorial Day events across the District, where I was honored to attend and  remember those who gave their lives. As we commemorate their sacrifice on this day, it is critical that we show up and continue to support our veterans in the community. 

Here’s an update on our constituent service work we’ve done from our District offices: 

  • Since January 2022, we’ve: Helped neighbors retrieve $2 Million 

  • Closed 895 cases with neighbors of which 125 neighbors needed help with USCIS, 87 with the IRS and 82 with the Social Security Administration

  • Taken 3,262 phone calls 

If you need help, check out the information below to meet our team in person! 

  • June 22nd, from 12PM-5PM  at 35 East Grassy Sprain Rd Suite 406B Yonkers NY 10710

  • June 23rd from 11AM-2PM at 177 Dreiser Loop (Lobby), Bronx, NY 10457

Peace and love, 

Congressman Jamaal Bowman (NY-16)