February 18, 2021

COVID Vaccine Newsletter

Read newsletter as a PDF here.

Dear neighbor, 

I hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. First and foremost, I want to express gratitude to all those who have reached out in the past few days to send love and condolences for my beloved mother, Pauline Bowman, who battled COVID-19 for many weeks before transitioning on Valentine’s Day. Our mother raised us to live our lives with love and joy with and for each other, and I share her legacy with all of you.

As this pandemic continues to devastate many of our families, it is more important than ever for us to ensure a speedy and equitable rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine. That is why I am grateful to let you know that after working with Governor Andrew Cuomo and President Joe Biden, our office has secured a federal mass vaccination center to open soon in Yonkers, part of an initiative to bring vaccines to underserved communities.

Expanding vaccine access and equity has been a major priority for me as we’ve begun our session in Congress, and I’m proud that we were able to make this crucial step forward as we continue our work to secure additional vaccine sites in the Bronx, New Rochelle, and Mount Vernon. As many of you know, our district was the epicenter of COVID-19 early in 2020 and the effects of that reality still plague our communities, especially seniors, Black and Latino communities, who have been impacted disproportionately. Across New York State, 28% of COVID related deaths were Black people, even though they make up only 16% of the state's population. In Westchester, Black people have accounted for 18% of COVID deaths, but account for only 14% of the population. In the Bronx, tragically, 3,726 seniors’ lives have been lost. 

The federal vaccination site in Yonkers — one of four new community-based centers outside New York City — will vaccinate approximately 1,000 residents each day over an eight-week period. For the first two weeks, appointments will be limited to individuals living in the 10701 ZIP code, where the site is located, and surrounding communities. 

The site is currently under development and opening dates and hours of operation will be made available in the coming days. It will be located at: 

New York National Guard Armory 

2 Quincy Place

Yonkers, NY 10701

Please continue to follow all guidelines from the state and federal government to protect yourselves until we have all been vaccinated, including wearing a mask and social distancing. Thank you for all you are doing to protect yourselves and your families. For any questions and/or concerns, please feel free to contact my offices at the phone numbers listed below.

Warm regards, 

Congressman Jamaal Bowman (NY-16)