March 26, 2021

Happy Passover!

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Dear neighbor, 

As always, I hope this message finds you healthy and in good spirits. 

I want to wish a happy Pesach to all those who celebrate. Passover is a time of remembrance for the Jewish community and an opportunity to commemorate their ancestors’ exodus from slavery in Egypt. It is a celebration of Jewish resilience, hope and self-determination. 

Participating in the Passover Seder uses all 5 senses to remind us all who we are, where we have come from, and where we have yet to go. However, you plan to celebrate Passover, I am sending you well wishes and hope that you may find time to safely gather with close friends and family. For all of the 16th Congressional District, this is a time to reflect and envision how our nation can move forward to cultivate a more inclusive and equitable society rid of hate for generations to come. 

As always if you have any questions and/or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to my office - information for each of my offices is below. I look forward to continuing to serve you. 

Peace and Love, 

Congressman Jamaal Bowman (NY-16)