October 13, 2023

Last Night's Town Hall and the Situation in Israel & Palestine

Dear Neighbor, 

Last night we had our School Safety Town Hall, thank you to everyone who tuned in! In case you missed it, here’s a recap of what we talked about and important information for those in Israel and Palestine right now trying to get home. You can also find the Department of State’s most recent statement with up to date information on chartering flights for Americans in Israel here.

Student safety and wellbeing is a top priority for parents and educators alike, with more than half of parents saying they worry about their child’s emotional wellbeing and safety at school and 76% of schools reporting an increase in staff concerns about students’ mental health. We need a holistic vision that includes school culture and climate, student mental health, and building design and response. Our team has secured over $10 million in funding for local organizations working to keep our kids safe and healthy. I've introduced the Green New Deal for Public Schools Act, and voted to pass the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. There’s still a lot of work to do to make sure our kids have access to everything they need to be safe, healthy, and secure. You can count on me and my office to continue the fight to get students and schools the resources they need to thrive. 

If you or someone you know is in Israel or Palestine right now, please review these resources for information and assistance. You can also call our office at (914) 323-5550 and we will be available to help however we can.

The situation is changing quickly, and rocket fire may take place without warning. Make sure to follow the instructions of security and emergency response officials. U.S. citizens in Israel should enroll their contact information in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP): hereU.S. citizens seeking assistance from the U.S. Embassy in Israel should fill out this crisis intake form, or call 1-833-890-9595 (toll free), or 606-641-0131 (local). For the latest updates, monitor the messages to U.S. citizens from the U.S. Embassy in Israel here.

For additional information on appropriate action to take upon hearing a siren or explosion, see the?Israel Defense Forces Home Front Command website?(available on devices within Israel)?or view the?Preparedness Information PDF: Home Front Command | IDF (www.idf.il) 

Ben Gurion International Airport remains open, but several major airlines have announced that they have suspended flights. Please check with the airlines on the availability of flights and flight status. U.S. citizens in Gaza who wish to leave and can do so safely are advised to check the status of the Rafah Crossing into Egypt. Additional updates to the travel advisory for Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza as they are issued here.

Some alternatives to check the status of land border crossings: 
To Report Missing Persons: 
U.S. citizens in Israel who have family members missing in the Gaza periphery can go to the Israel National Police’s combined assistance center at 4 HaNegev Street in Airport City. 

Additional information can be found here (Hebrew only) https://www.gov.il/he/departments/news/police_08-10-23_family-center 

U.S. Embassy Jerusalem Information: 
14 David Flusser St.?Jerusalem?
Telephone: +972-3-519-7575?

U.S. Embassy Branch Office Tel Aviv? 
71 HaYarkon St.? Tel Aviv?
Telephone: +972-3-519-7575?

U.S. State Department – Consular Affairs? 
888-407-4747 or 202-501-4444

If you need help getting back to the U.S. or connecting with resources, you can also contact our office at Bowman.casework@mail.house.gov or call (914) 323-5550.

Peace and love,
Congressman Jamaal Bowman (NY-16)