December 01, 2022

Rep. Bowman is Standing Up for Rail Workers

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Dear Neighbor,

Rail workers are an essential part of our country and our NY-16 community, yet they’ve been taken advantage of for decades. The people most central to our economic stability are the people we historically feel most justified to exploit, but ensuring our workers have basic human rights is necessary for economic justice and progress and one of my top priorities.

That’s why I introduced an amendment to add seven paid sick days to the rail workers’ contract. I could not in good conscience vote for a bill that didn’t give rail workers the paid leave they deserve. This week, the House voted yes on two resolutions: the tentative rail workers contract, and amending the tentative agreement to include seven paid sick days. I’m proud to be the one who led this initiative. Standing 

We cannot continue to allow railroads and other corporations to get away with exploiting their workers to further their greed and their profits. The Senate must follow suit and guarantee paid sick leave. No one should have to be worried about missing important medical appointments or taking care of themselves while sick. This is common sense – it should not be controversial. It’s time for rail workers to be respected for holding our country together and I will continue to fight in solidarity with them and all workers. 

In solidarity,

Congressman Jamaal Bowman