April 25, 2021

Statement on Attacks against Synagogues in the Bronx

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Dear Neighbor,

Over the weekend I received the horrific news of a string of hate crimes and vandalism at local synagogues and places of worship in Riverdale. My team has been in close communication with community leaders in order to work towards the physical and psychological safety of the impacted communities.  I am proud to represent a diverse district that is inclusionary, accepting and loving towards one another. A district that embraces each other’s races, ethnicities, and cultural differences. Hate has no place within it. 

The rise in hate crimes towards Jewish people is alarming and deeply painful to see. I condemn in the strongest possible terms the hate crimes and vandalism that have occured in Riverdale. No one should be attacked or living in fear because of their race, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. The threat towards synagogues and other Jewish institutions is real and we must treat these issues head on. Jewish people have been the victims of hate crimes and persecution for centuries, and this week’s events are a somber reminder that we must all be vigilant in weeding out antisemitism. My heart goes out to everyone in our district who has been impacted by this hate crime.

As the Representative for New York's 16th Congressional District, my team and I are closely monitoring this situation. I spent today in Riverdale learning more about the situation and meeting with community leaders. At the federal level, I have advocated for more funding for homeland security’s nonprofit security grant program, which provides support for physical security enhancements and activities to places of worship and nonprofit organizations that are at a high risk of a terrorist attack. Our team will be hosting a webinar on May 10th at 5PM to inform nonprofits and religious institutions on applying for federal security grants.I have also called on President Biden to appoint an Ambassador-at-large to monitor and combat antisemitism. I will continue to advocate for an end to all forms of hate in our nation and in our district.

I want to thank Captain Emilio Melendez, all the NYPD investigators, my colleagues in government and all the rabbis and community leaders who are involved in ensuring that justice is served. This is a true demonstration of unity and is an example of the resilience of the Riverdale community. I urge that anyone with any information reach out to the 50th precinct. If you see a crime being committed, call 911 immediately. We will continue to unite as a community to make sure it is loud and clear that hate has no place here.

Lastly, if there is anything my office can do to support you or your family during this difficult time, please do not hesitate to reach out. You can access our Bronx office by calling (718) 530-7710, and our Westchester office at (914) 371-9220. 

All my best,

Jamaal Bowman

Member of Congress