December 10, 2021

Youth Shelter of Westchester Newsletter

Read newsletter as a PDF here

Dear Neighbor,

Earlier this week, I invited some of the young men from the Youth Shelter Program of Westchester (YSOW) to visit my office in DC. This trip gave them the opportunity to ask me questions directly, learn how Congress works, and tell me what resources their communities need. NY-16 is fortunate enough to have a program like YSOW to serve 150 young men every year. The YSOW provides young men between the ages of 18-24 a home for those awaiting disposition or sentencing. For at least a year afterwards, the YSOW helps them get back on their feet, and ultimately, over 80% of their youth are never arrested again. 

As I spoke to these young men, we discussed that when our communities do not have the resources they require, people do what they must to survive. Unfortunately, while many communities have substantially more resources than they need, the communities that are not provided with these same resources tend to be the home to many Black and Latino youth. One of these young men asked me why he only received resources once he was put into our justice system. His question was on point and apt. That should’ve never been the case. 

We must create more programs like the YSOW to ensure that our youth are taken care of and not left to fend for themselves after an arrest. Let’s provide resources to these communities and allow them to build and grow. Congress must govern so that all youth are able to live up to their fullest potential by providing them with the support and resources they need to thrive. It is the government’s responsibility to do more. I hope other members of Congress invite youth to their offices to inspire and support them.

As always, if you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please feel free to reach out to my office.

Peace and love, 

Congressman Bowman