March 02, 2021

Bowman, de Blasio Announce New Vaccine Site in Co-op City

NEW YORK — Rep. Jamaal Bowman and Mayor Bill de Blasio on Tuesday announced that a mass vaccination site will soon open in Co-op City, which has been devastated by the impacts of COVID-19 and has seen a below average vaccination rate.

“This progress is cause for celebration, and I am grateful that our office was able to work with our federal, state, and local partners to bring more vaccines to Co-op City residents and neighboring communities in the Northern Bronx,” Bowman said. “In an area where one in four residents are elderly and thousands live with a disability, we cannot accept a vaccine rollout that is less than expedient and equitable. We’re doing everything we can to bring more sites to our district in the near future.”

The Co-op city vaccination site will be at 131 Dreiser Loop. Appointments start this Thursday at 8 p.m. and become available online at at approximately 3 p.m. the day before.

On Sunday, Bowman and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer sent a letter to President Biden calling on him to increase the number of vaccines available to residents of Co-op City, Edenwald, and Wakefield. One out of every 13 residents in the Co-op City/Edenwald/Wakefield area had been diagnosed with COVID-19 over the last year, and a staggering 411 people living there have lost their lives to this deadly virus, yet only 4 percent of Wakefield residents and 7 percent of Co-op City/Edenwald residents have received a vaccine, compared to 13 percent statewide.

Less than two weeks ago, Bowman also announced the opening of another mass vaccination center in Yonkers as part of an initiative to bring vaccines to underserved communities. The Yonkers site is now taking appointments and will vaccinate approximately 1,000 people per day.