January 11, 2024

Congressman Bowman Calls for Supportive School Communities and Efforts to Build Mutual Understanding

For Immediate Release
Contact: bowman.press@mail.house.gov

YONKERS, NY –  The Yonkers Public School District announced that it had completed its initial investigation into allegations of antisemitic remarks at a high school basketball game, however the investigation will continue. 

Congressman Jamaal Bowman released the following statement in response:

“Our number one priority should always be making sure that young people feel safe and protected at our schools and in our society. No student, regardless of background should have to answer for the tragic and cruel events unfolding in the Middle East. As this investigation continues, we must focus on building restorative school communities that can appropriately support our students through hard moments like these and let investigations take place before jumping to conclusions. With social media, our kids are consuming difficult information without guidance from parents or educators, and we must take this as a learning opportunity and ensure our kids are taught how to critically consume content. As an educator, I understand that young people will make mistakes, even very hurtful ones, but they should have the opportunity to learn and grow from them, and not have a mistake follow them throughout their lives. In this moment of intense trauma and pain, so many in our community feel unsafe. Fear makes it easy to become inward-facing and forget that the only way to eradicate hate is through love and connection. We must do the hard work of listening to one another and building community despite the forces that are driving us apart.”
