September 20, 2023

NEWS: Congressman Jamaal Bowman Celebrates the Creation of the American Climate Corps

For Immediate Release

WASHINGTON, D.C.  — Today, President Biden launched the American Climate Corps, a workforce training and service initiative to give young people good-paying union jobs in the clean energy and climate resilience economy. 

Congressman Jamaal Bowman released the following statement in response:

“I am excited to celebrate President Biden’s announcement of the American Climate Corps to bring good-paying union jobs to our young people and facilitate our transition to clean energy and a climate resilient economy,” said Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D. (NY-16). “We are facing a climate catastrophe that is causing devastating extreme weather and growing threats to our communities. It’s time for unprecedented investments in solutions to this crisis that will also strengthen our economy, improve our lives, and protect our homes, schools, and workplaces. We also cannot have a just and climate resilient society without a focus on equity for our most vulnerable. I am glad that this program will prioritize those values, creating pathways towards long-term, good-paying careers for marginalized groups and supporting the resiliency and rebuilding of redlined communities. As our planet is heating up, schools are crumbling, towns are flooding, and young people struggle to afford basic necessities, the American Climate Corps is just the beginning of the many ways President Biden can confront this crisis head on.”
