May 15, 2023

NEWS: Congressman Jamaal Bowman Delivers Remarks at Manhattanville College Commencement

For Immediate Release

HARRISON, NY — On Saturday, Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D. (NY-16) spoke at the commencement of his alma mater, Manhattanville College. He delivered an inspiring speech, drawing from his own experiences at Manhattanville and in his congressional campaigns, and encouraged the graduates to engage with their communities but also to continue their own journeys of self-learning and fulfillment so they can better solve the world’s most pressing issues. You can watch the full video here.

“Throughout history, we have always been in so much conflict with each other because of our differences and who we are,” said Congressman Bowman. “But I think the next evolution of human history is about what we have in common and leveraging those differences to build a new humanity and solve the world's most complex problems…You all have the ability to solve those problems. You may not even know it yet.”

Congressman Bowman received his Doctor of Education in educational leadership from Manhattanville in 2019.
