December 06, 2022

NEWS: Energy Subcommittee Leaders Bowman and Weber Introduce Wind Energy Research Bill

For Immediate Release

NEWS: Energy Subcommittee Leaders Bowman and Weber Introduce Wind Energy Research Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Energy Subcommittee Chairman Jamaal Bowman Ed.D (D-NY) was joined by Ranking Member Randy Weber (R-TX) in introducing the bipartisan Airborne Wind Energy Research and Development Act. The bill would establish a research, development, demonstration, and commercial application program at the Department of Energy to improve understanding of the benefits, design, and impacts of airborne wind energy generation.

“Airborne wind has enormous potential to accelerate the clean energy revolution,” said Subcommittee on Energy Chairman Jamaal Bowman Ed.D (D-NY). “This bill will support the research and development required to scale up the airborne wind energy industry. Accessing stronger, more consistent winds at higher elevations will help strengthen the grid as we shift to renewable energy, while also reducing impacts from land use and resource extraction. The Department of Energy has the needed expertise to ensure that we get this right, and I thank Subcommittee Ranking Member Weber for finding common ground with me here. Our legislation will help us to harness the brilliance of America’s research infrastructure as we move towards a climate-safe future.” 

“Renewables alone can’t sustain the world’s largest economy, but it is imperative to promote research and development of all sources of energy, from oil and natural gas, to solar to wind to nuclear,” said Ranking Member Randy Weber (R-TX). “Texas has long been our country’s energy leader and has been leading the way for wind energy. As the Ranking Member on the Science, Space, and Technology Subcommittee on Energy, I am honored to work with Subcommittee Chairman Bowman on this legislation, as we continue the development of our nation's energy dominance.”

