March 04, 2022

NEWS: Rep. Bowman Proposes Plan to President Biden to Address Gun Violence

NEWS: Rep. Bowman Proposes Plan to President Biden to Address Gun Violence

NEW YORK – Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D. (NY-16), in a letter to President Joe Biden, proposed several actions the President could take to help ensure public safety and address the gun violence epidemic.

“Thank you for your efforts to address the immense toll that gun violence continues to take across the country,” wrote Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D. (NY-16). “I write to highlight its impact in my district NY-16 in particular, and to call on you to use your executive authority to take further urgently needed action on gun violence. The federal government must use all available powers to help communities combat violence and heal from the trauma it leaves behind. I’m committed to working with my colleagues to advance legislation out of Congress, including the lifesaving H.R. 8 and H.R.1446. Until that work is finalized, it is critical to put in place executive actions to comprehensively address gun violence holistically as a public health crisis.”

“The experience and impact of violence in my community is not isolated to any one event,” continued Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D. (NY-16). “Only weeks ago, a 16-year old boy from New Rochelle was fatally shot and killed by another teenager with a 9mm ghost handgun.3 This recent gun violence has shaken our community and left many wondering what will be done to stop this from happening again. The executive actions outlined by advocates represent a strong range of proactive steps necessary to respond effectively and bolster efforts by states and local governments to prevent gun violence. Gun violence is a public health crisis and we need a whole-of-government response.”

Congressman Jamaal Bowman proposed several executive actions the President could take to: 

  • Identify Gun Violence Prevention as a Priority Issue
  • Address Gun Violence as a Public Health Crisis
  • Strengthen the Background Check System
  • Enhance Oversight of the Gun Industry
  • Implement Measures to Address Domestic and International Gun Trafficking
  • Focus on Firearm Suicide
  • Ensure the Safety of all Students
  • Disarm Armed White Supremacists and Protect Peaceful Protests and Voting

Click here to read the full text of the letter.
