November 21, 2022

NEWS: Rep. Jamaal Bowman Strongly Opposes Proposed Con Ed Rate Hikes & Fossil Fuel Expansion in Public Comment to NYS Public Service Commission

For Immediate Release
November 21, 2022

NEW YORK – Today,  Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D (NY-16) sent the State of New York Public Service Commission a public comment letter in response to Con Edison’s proposal to increase prices for residents and small businesses throughout New York and expand harmful fracked gas infrastructure in New York’s 16th Congressional District. 

Con Ed has proposed an additional rate hike, which comes after the utility company has already increased utility bills to unconscionable levels over the last year. New Yorkers are poised to see payments increase between $21 and $112 on average this winter, while over 400,000  New Yorkers are behind on their Con Ed payments and federal energy assistance funds are woefully insufficient. 

“Utilities are basic human rights; contradictory to that belief, here in New York neighbors are under constant fear that they will be unable to maintain or access that right simply because they can not afford the increasing cost of keeping the heat on in winter,” said Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D (NY-16). “ We cannot let corporate entities like Con Ed keep raising utility costs for consumers. These increases are a matter of life and death and place an extra burden on individuals who may be behind on their utility bills or are struggling to make their monthly payments. Gas and oil companies have seen record profit levels every quarter this year and it is unethical for corporations to increase utility prices for consumers, regardless of their justification. Corporations have the ability to absorb changes in the oil market, but they are choosing to use changes in the oil market as an opportunity to profit off of regular people in America. Now is the time to choose equity for our people and for our planet- I hope Con Ed recognizes its responsibility to be on the right side of history.”  

Congressman Bowman has been a strong advocate for federal action on utility justice in the 117th Congress. On January 20, 2022, Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) and Senator Edward Markey (D-Mass.) introduced the Heating and Cooling Relief Act, legislation to improve and universalize energy assistance and expand funding for home decarbonization. On August 4th, Congressman Bowman introduced the Emergency Price Stabilization Act, which would give the President power to limit price hikes on energy-related goods and services and other essentials. The Congressman believes that the Federal Government should use every tool available to end corporate greed, decarbonize our utility sector, expand utility assistance, invest in public power, and regulate energy prices to ensure that every person has access to the utilities they need to live safely. 
