August 11, 2021

Rep. Bowman, Sen. Schumer, Rep. Waters Announce Resolution to Recognize and Celebrate Hip Hop’s Cultural Impact

WASHINGTON – Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) announced that the Senate unanimously passed a resolution designating today, August 11, 2021 as “Hip Hop Celebration Day,” August 2021 as “Hip Hop Recognition Month,” and designating November 2021 as “Hip Hop History Month.” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) joined Rep. Bowman as an original co-sponsor of the resolution in the House.

Hip Hop, now a world-wide phenomenon, had humble beginnings in New York City. On August 11, 1973, at a “Back To School Jam” held in the recreation room of 1520 Sedgwick Avenue in the Bronx, New York, a new innovative style of disk jockeying and engaging the crowd with rap was introduced by Clive “DJ Kool Herc” Campbell. Since then, Hip Hop culture has spread across the nation and the world, uniquely infusing itself into the roots of communities everywhere.

The art and culture of Hip Hop, an original American creation, has transcended boundaries and has been reinvented many times over since its creation in 1973. Hip Hop artists and supporters were originally of African heritage but Hip Hop art and culture has become a melting pot, with its artists and supporters transcending ages, ethnicities, religions, locations, and socioeconomic statuses. Hip Hop has spawned a multi-billion dollar economy in various industries from high fashion to social media platforms. This influence has arguably placed Hip Hop at the center of American culture, both directly and indirectly influencing other genres of music and parts of American social life.

Despite these invaluable contributions to American culture and social life, Hip Hop has struggled to receive the recognition and admiration it deserves on a national level, and government officials have even banned the sale of certain rap albums and disparaged the music altogether. Bowman’s resolution aims to reverse the lack of public recognition of Hip Hop by unequivocally recognizing Hip Hop as a critical part of American culture as it has long deserved.

“Hip Hop is the rebirth of civilization,” Rep. Jamaal Bowman said. “For people who were disconnected from their continent, from their language, from their culture, and from their ancestry, Hip Hop represented a step toward rediscovering what it means to be a Black American, or to be a Latino American. In using the English language to create an entirely new art form, the pioneers of Hip Hop created a vessel that grew to impact nearly every facet of American culture. As we continue our fight to advance civil rights and racial justice, we need to not only recognize but celebrate how Hip Hop and Black Americans have given so much to our culture and our country. I’m proud to lead Congress in formallys recognizing the contributions that Hip Hop has made and will continue to make to our country and the world.”

“For decades I have fought to preserve and protect the legacy of Hip Hop as a truly original American art form. When greedy landlords wanted to close the apartment building on Sedgwick Avenue, where DJ Kool Herc first disk jockeyed beside an emcee and lots of hardworking people lived, we stopped them,” said Sen. Charles Schumer. “I’m proud to honor Hip Hop’s history and its lasting influence with this Senate resolution, which acknowledges the evolution of Hip Hop culture and the tremendous impact it has had on our society.”

“I’m proud to join Rep. Jamaal Bowman as an original co-sponsor of his resolution to highlight the impact of Hip Hop on our culture and the role it plays in telling our story to the world,” Rep. Maxine Waters said. “Some of the early Hip Hop legends came out of the greater Los Angeles area, and through their lyrics managed to tell honest stories about our struggles and our triumphs. I’ve always said that there is no better way to tell our stories than for us to tell them ourselves and on our terms. Hip Hop, from its birth, has always given voice to the unheard and has served as a catalyst for change that moves our community, our culture, and our country forward. This resolution will help us to honor Hip Hop’s long history of contributions to our society and commemorate the lived experiences of our people who, through music, have changed the world.”

“From a small Bronx neighborhood back to school jam in 1973, to the U.S. Capitol government resolution, Hip Hop's impact has gone a long way over the decades, and the future looks bright, from the ladies to men, old school to new school, the best is yet to come. Thanks to Sen. Schumer, Rep. Bowman, and all involved for honoring Hip Hop with this resolution,” said Kool Herc and Cindy Campbell.

“Thank you Sen. Schumer, the Senate, Rep. Bowman, Congress, officials, and your staff, for unanimously passing the Hip Hop Resolution initiative. In turn symbolizing America's support for the creators and communities which Hip Hop has historically come from, thus announcing to the nation and the world that Hip Hop is a significant contributor to American society through the arts and culture. Hip Hop Don't Stop!” said LeRoy McCarthy of Heterodoxx Inc

The Hip Hop Resolution designates the following national observances:

  • August 11th 2021 as “Hip Hop Celebration Day” in honor of the anniversary of the birth of hip hop
  • August 2021 as “Hip Hop Recognition Month” to highlight the contributions of hip hop to the broader American cultural landscape
  • November 2021 as “Hip Hop History Month” to reflect on the historical treatment and development of the culture

Click here to read the full text of the resolution.