October 25, 2023

Statement from Congressman Jamaal Bowman Following No Vote on HR. 771, a Pro-War and Anti-Peace Resolution

For Immediate Release
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House of Representatives voted on a resolution that does not acknowledge a two-state solution and does not call for de-escalation. 

Congressman Jamaal Bowman Ed.D. (NY-16) released the following statement in response:

Consistent with every statement I’ve shared, it is important to state that October 7th is one of the most traumatic and tragic events to Israelis and the Jewish community globally since the Holocaust. I strongly condemn Hamas and support all efforts to defeat them. Since Hamas’ attack inside Israel, over 1,400 Israelis have been killed. 

HR. 771 rightfully condemns Hamas and supports the security of Israel. However, this resolution was written immediately after the attack, and was not updated to reflect the quickly changing and fragile situation in Israel and Gaza. It does not include the urgent need for de-escalation and prevention of ground invasion nor any humanitarian efforts. There is no mention of a two state solution. Over 6,546 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, including at least 2,704 children, yet HR 771 was not even updated to fully recognize their lives. I cannot in good conscience vote for a resolution which flagrantly ignores such devastation of life and ignores measures towards long term peace. 

In order to save Israeli and Palestinian lives now and in the future, and fight the rise of antisemitism, Islamophobia and all hate, we need to respond in this moment with leadership, balance and a spirit towards true and long lasting peace, not war. 
