May 11, 2021

Statement from Rep. Bowman on Global Violence

WASHINGTON — Rep. Jamaal Bowman issued the following statement Tuesday regarding global violence: 

“There’s so much we’re dealing with within our own borders that it’s often difficult for Americans to turn our attention to the problems of people overseas, but it’s hard at this moment not to be struck by the extent of suffering around the world. Whether it’s the infringement of human and civil rights of Palestinians living in Sheikh Jarrah, the violence against those praying in the Al-Aqsa mosque during the holy month of Ramadan in East Jerusalem, police violence against Colombians, a military coup in Myanmar, an ignored genocide in Ethiopia, or the ethnic cleansing of the Uyghurs in China, my heart is breaking for people around the world experiencing oppression and hurt.

“With regard to the quickly escalating tensions in East Jerusalem, the United States must step in and rapidly broker a ceasefire to de-escalate and bring us closer to a two-state solution. The very name Jerusalem means City of Peace. Violently evicting families from their homes in which generations have lived is not an act of peace. A show of strong force during prayer is not an act of peace. Destroying holy sites is not an act of peace. Hamas rocket attacks are not an act of peace. Israeli government airstrikes are not an act of peace. 

“At the end of the day, it is imperative that the United States have an even handed approach and ensure our nation is not complicit in stoking the flames of conflict through continued settlement expansion and home demolitions that undermine the two-state solution, perpetuate endless occupation, and threaten the long-term security of both Israelis and Palestinians.

“This is a unique moment with multiple mounting global crises, and the United States has the responsibility to lead. Our foreign aid to other nations should never be used to harm. I urge the Biden administration to do all it can to assist in de-escalating these tensions around the world.” 
