January 18, 2024

Congressman Bowman Votes to Keep the Government Open and Avoid a Shutdown

For Immediate Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  Today, Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Ed. D. (NY-16) joined his Democratic colleagues as they voted in favor of a continuing resolution to keep the government funded, avoid a shutdown, and bail out Republicans yet again.

“This evening I joined my Democratic colleagues in voting for yet another continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown and bail out the reckless Republicans who are too busy playing games with people’s lives to do their jobs,” said Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D. (NY-16). “Time after time, Republicans have shown us that they’d rather throw temper tantrums than serve the American people. They need to grow up and do the jobs they were elected to do.  Because of their dysfunction, this has been the least productive Congress since the Great Depression. Such inability to govern effectively is threatening the livelihoods of millions of Americans, including their own constituents. Without this continuing resolution, millions of people would risk losing their SNAP benefits, veteran resources, and paychecks.

Democrats in Congress have continuously proven that we are committed to delivering for the American people and standing together against Republican-led chaos. We’re ready and willing to pass common sense bills to fund our government and safeguard the programs and services the American people rely on. It’s time for Republicans to stop their meltdowns, put aside their egos, and serve the American people so that our communities and our country can thrive.”
