May 27, 2021

Rep. Bowman, Sen. Gillibrand and Sen. Schumer Urge President Biden to Include Wastewater Infrastructure Investments in American Jobs Plan

YONKERS, NEW YORK — Rep. Jamaal Bowman, Sen. Chuck E. Schumer and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on Thursday called on President Joe Biden to include explicit robust funding for capital improvements to America’s failing sewage systems in the American Jobs Plan, citing sewage issues in Mount Vernon and Yonkers, including sewage backups and leaks into homes, waterways, and neighborhood streets.

The New York representatives cited the disproportionality of sewage issues, which predominantly impact communities of color, both in New York and nationwide, by exposing them to harmful toxins and pathogens. Additionally, the sewage leaks are causing disruptions for ecosystems in the Bronx and Hutchinson rivers, leading to algae blooms and deteriorating quality of drinking water in nearby communities.

“Limited federal funding means that the burden of maintaining and fixing water infrastructure falls on municipalities who cannot afford the repairs,” the members wrote in the letter. “As a government committed to not only regulating environmental issues but also to ameliorating them, it is essential that we support localities in crisis with the resources necessary to address wastewater infrastructure emergencies.”

Under an injunction issued by the Environmental Protection Agency in September of 2020, the City of Mount Vernon is required to perform necessary construction and repairs to waterways and obtain necessary equipment and staffing to comply with the Clean Water Act. However, with the cost of that maintenance estimated over $100 million, Mount Vernon lacks the funding to comply with those orders.

In his letter to President Biden and Administrator Regan, the members urged additional funding to allow Mount Vernon, and other communities impacted by similar issues, to tend to the health of local waterways in full compliance with EPA regulations.

“Nationwide, sewage infrastructure issues disproportionately harm economically disadvantaged communities and communities of color. Given your strong commitment to environmental justice, enshrined through the Justice40 Initiative, we believe this racial and environmental equity issue should be a top priority for your administration,” the members wrote.

Click here to read the text of the letter. 
