August 25, 2021

Rep. Jamaal Bowman Statement on House Passage of FY 2022 Budget Resolution

WASHINGTON — Rep. Jamaal Bowman issued the following statement Wednesday after voting “yes” to pass the budget resolution:

“Americans voted for a House, Senate and White House that would expand health care, improve educational opportunity, take aggressive action on climate, and make housing, paid leave, and child care accessible and affordable. The budget resolution — though we had hoped it would go even further — is an essential part of acting on that mandate given to us by the American people. This vote is a major step for making a historic investment to rebuild our country and make people whole after the devastation of the past year and a half.

“Yes, we need a substantial investment in our hard infrastructure like roads and bridges. But roads and bridges can’t serve people if they don't have the child care they need in order to go to work or the health care they need to stay healthy and participate in the workforce. Roads and bridges can’t serve us if they’re continually eroded by a worsening climate crisis. We need to invest in our people and a livable planet if we want to build an economy that works for everyone.

“I look forward to working with my colleagues over the next month to ensure that the full $3.5 trillion reconciliation package is passed with or before the bipartisan infrastructure bill. Let’s get this done and fulfill our promise to the American people. “
