August 26, 2021

Rep. Jamaal Bowman Statement on Kabul Bombings

WASHINGTON – Rep. Jamaal Bowman issued the following statement Thursday after suicide bombers at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul killed at least 12 American service members and at least 60 Afghan civilians:

“The act of terrorism today in Kabul and loss of life are absolutely devastating. Our prayers and condolences are with the families and loved ones of the 12 U.S. service members and scores of Afghans killed and injured today. It is because of the work and bravery of our service members that more than 100,000 people have been able to evacuate safely so far. We are praying for the safety of those still trying to evacuate and the service members still on the ground.

“The Biden administration’s top priority must be to continue to evacuate as many Americans and Afghans as possible over the coming days and avoid any additional violence, and we stand ready to help however we can. My office is working with federal agencies to facilitate evacuations and are monitoring how the bombing today affects those efforts. Constituents looking for assistance on cases pertaining to Afghanistan, or anyone who knows someone who is looking for help, should reach out to our office at, and our team will get back to you as quickly as possible.”
