March 09, 2022

NEWS: Rep. Bowman Votes on Government Funding Bill

 NEWS: Rep. Bowman Votes on Government Funding Bill 

Spending bill funds education, helps lower the cost of living for working families, creates American jobs, and provides urgent funding to support Ukraine 

WASHINGTON – Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D. (NY-16) issued the following statement after casting a YES vote for domestic and foreign investments. He voted NO for increased militarization and incarceration spending as part of H.R. 2471, the FY 22 Appropriations spending bill.

This spending package, which consists of 12 separate funding bills, was separated by House Leadership into just two votes: one that included $730 billion for domestic and foreign aid, and one that included $784 billion for defense and military spending. 

“Today, I voted YES on the portion of the spending bill that invests $730 billion in our communities, including $5,479,000 in direct project funding for our district that I secured that would create jobs and bring much needed resources to our neighbors,” said Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D. (NY-16). “It also includes $14.5 billion for special education, $42.6 billion for Title I Education funding, and $75M for Full Service community schools. These provisions will help meet the needs of our community members and assist us as we build a better future for everyone. Consistent with my support of Ukraine and my commitments to our Ukrainian neighbors, it also includes over $7 billion in aid to the Ukrainian people who are facing an unjust and tyrannical invasion. I have been clear in my support for Ukraine and a peaceful solution to the current crisis as well as my clear support for Ukrainian defense aid. I support comprehensive, nonmilitary actions to incapacitate Putin's unprovoked attacks on the people of Ukraine, which is why I voted YES on the Suspending Energy Imports from Russia Act. This bill bans the import of Russian energy products, including crude oil, petroleum, oil, natural gas, and coal. This bill bolsters President Biden's March 8, 2022, executive order to prohibit Russian energy imports.”

“There were elements of the defense spending section that, if voted on separately, I would have supported, including additional military aid to Ukraine and funding for the Iron Dome — which I have already voted once before to fund and support. However, the defense and incarceration package is bloated with substantial increases to our military spending, and even more funding for prisons and immigration and customs enforcement. These are systems that perpetuate harm and a cyclical pattern of violence and poverty in our communities.”

“Together, as a community, we have fought for jobs and education, and against more bombs and incarceration. This package provides more money than President Biden requested for defense and less money than he requested for education. There is no reason that we should continue increasing our department of defense budget when we have children in this country without access to clean water, food, education, or housing; I voted NO on the section focused on militarization and incarceration. The fact that as a Congress we are willing to put forward legislation that prioritizes weapons of war over the wellbeing of our children and communities around the globe, is unacceptable.”

“It is always my goal to be transparent with our neighbors and help demystify the way in which Congress operates — an institution that too often fails to move legislation that makes a material difference in our day-to-day lives. Together we will continue to hold Congress accountable and deliver for our communities while staying rooted in our shared values. How we spend taxpayer dollars  is a reflection of our priorities and sends a clear message to our communities regarding who and what we care most about. It has been my commitment from Day 1 to advance legislation rooted in love and care that delivers resources and helps us achieve an equitable, peaceful, and more just future. I approached today’s votes on the spending package for this fiscal year with that same commitment. Together, a better and more just world is possible.”
